Christian and Nui Lenty The MST Project – YWAM The MST Project focuses on men who travel to the Red Light district of Bangkok, reaching out to them with the gospel of restoration and redemption. This involves frank, face-to-face discussions
Greg and Laura Melendes
Greg and Laura Melendes Ethnos 360 – Itinerant After planting churches and translating the New Testament for the Waxe people group in Papua New Guinea, they continue to minister to the Waxe itinerantly as Greg serves as international translation consultant
Patriot and Keli Hoxhaj
Patriot & Keli Hoxhaj Medical Ambassadors – Albania Patriot, an MD, his wife Keli and the MA team reach villages with the gospel through community health evangelism (CHE) strategies. They work in several villages in Albania including Vlochist where PCC