Nelson and Consuelo Juarez Missions Door – El Salvador The Juarez’ have ministered in Central America for years alongside PCC missionary NT Dellinger. Upon NT’s passing, Nelson picked up new responsibilities overseeing not only their own ministry but also serving
Chad and Janeene Mankins
Chad and Janeene Mankins ETHNOS 360 – ITINERANT PAPUA NEW GUINEA The Mankins helped plant a church among the Tobo people group in PNG and are now in the process of translating the New Testament into the Tobo language. Because
Greg and Laura Melendes
Greg and Laura MelendesEthnox 360 – Itinerant/Oregon Upon completion of the translation of the New Testament for the Waxe people group of Papua New Guinea, Greg and Laura entered itinerant ministry for Ethnos 360 (formerly New Tribes Mission). They still
Vance and Carol Nordman
Vance and Carol NordmanCru – USA The Nordmans work with the JESUS Film Project and are involved in a ministry called Reaching the Nations Among Us. Its goal is to make the JESUS Film available to every non-Christian immigrant home