Peter and Adelia Robertson who work in Southeast Asia The total number of deaths here from Covid-19 is officially under 2000 but no one knows the real numbers as the system isn’t set-up to gather accurate data. The pandemic is
Paul and Cathy Becker
Paul and Cathy Becker Dynamic Church Planting International, Oceanside Last week in one of our Church Planting Essentials LiveStream Webinars with leaders in India, one of our church planters shared an incredible story of the New Life God is bringing.One
Jeff and Courtney Hogue
Jeff and Courtney HogueWorld Team – Cambodia Covid-19 has had a huge impact on Cambodia, not in terms of infections, but economically. The garment, tourism, and construction industries have been brought to a sudden stop and the economy is expected
Greg and Laura Melendes
Greg and Laura MelendesEthnox 360 – Itinerant/Oregon On-field ministries have been greatly affected by the outbreak of Covid-19 around the world. But itinerant ministries that reach into many countries have also been curtailed by travel bans instituted by countries. One such