Mark and Carolyn Williams
Discipleship Journeys with Jesus – Oceanside
Mark previously served as Vice President of Dynamic Church Planting International but recently moved on to launch a new ministry, Discipleship Journeys with Jesus.” His vision is to take one-half million people through actionable discipleship journeys in Scripture. There will be 52 lessons, one for each week of the year, and each lesson has a practical application to put into action. Lessons are online and free of charge, making quality discipleship materials available to anybody who needs them.
- completion of lesson translation projects in progress,
and wisdom to know what languages lessons should be
translated into next. - new staff members to cover partnership development,
materials development, and an online help/mentor for
distance learners with questions on lessons. - the funding and filming of the next video recording session
this summer, which will complete Quarters 3 and 4 of the
curriculum. - clarity of the next topics for DJJ to develop after the current
curriculum is complete.
Mark and Carolyn Williams