For the past 23 years the Hahnes have faithfully served as church planters in a difficult area of Romania. They have seen a small church come into existence, and they have served a very poor community in a number of physical and spiritual areas. They have recently decided their time of ministry in Romania is coming to an end. They leave physically healthy and leave a group of disciples who are spiritually healthy. At this time, they want to shift their ministry of focus and make themselves available to their children and grandchildren. They would like to wrap things up in Valcea and move back to the USA no later than November.

Please pray for…

  • the quick sale of their home in a very difficult market, and for wisdom as they decide what to bring back home and what to leave behind in Romania.
  • the provision of housing in South Orange County, where they could be close to their family.
  • grace to say farewell to many beloved brothers and sisters who they may not see again on earth.
  • continuing growth of those believers whose lives the Hahnes have touched over their many years in Romania.
Tim & Krista Hahne

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