Greg and Laura Melendes
Ethnox 360 – Itinerant/Oregon
On-field ministries have been greatly affected by the outbreak of Covid-19 around the world. But itinerant ministries that reach into many countries have also been curtailed by travel bans instituted by countries.
One such ministry is that of Bible Translation Consultation. Greg Melendes had scheduled a verse-by-verse, on-site check of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke for the Wano language group in Papua, Indonesia. With a strict ban over the country, it meant having to postpone the check until September 2020 at the earliest.
In this case, close to 2900 verses, over one-third of the New Testament, sit idly in computers roughly 9,000 miles apart–awaiting the arduous task of comprehension checking prior to publication. The young Wano church has been anticipating the release of these precious narratives, but like the rest of us, it is forced to wait until doors of ministry open once again.
Please pray for the Wano church as it continues to grow with the Scripture it has in hand, and that this comprehension check would not be further delayed beyond September!