Patriot and Kelli Hoxhaj
Medical Ambassadors – Albania
Ministries around the world have been interrupted as a result of the COVID virus, even in small countries without dense populations like Albania. Patriot, Keli and their team minister in four small villages surrounding the southern city of Korce. One of these is Vlochisht, where PCC partnered to minister to villagers with the gospel and through dental ministry from 2001-2009, and through our youth in 2019. The team reports the following:
“We are thankful that the women’s meeting in Poceste has started again and that the women are faithfully coming and learning from the Word. A while back the women had just stopped coming so we took a bit of a break from the women’s meeting in Poceste. After the lockdown for COVID Keli has started the women’s meeting in Poceste once again and the women are very engaged, attending faithfully and learning from the Word of God. We thank the Lord for this.” According to team member Shelly, ministry in all four villages is springing back to life, and the still young church in Vlocisht has just ordained its first four elders.
Albania, and Vlocisht in particular, has held a special place among our ministry partnerships worldwide, and God has privileged us with having a small part in planting a church where one did not exist. Pray that ministry activity and attendance in the area would only grow in the days to come. Pray that the changed lives of their formerly Muslim neighbors would speak loudly and clearly to villagers and point them to the gospel of grace that is now readily available to them.