Ethnos 360 – Itinerant
Already six years have passed since the dedication of the Waxe New Testament in the village of Wenim in Papua New Guinea. The celebration brought together almost the entire Waxe population of 700+, along with church leaders from seven nearby churches, several members of our mission support team, and a small delegation from churches in the USA. The days were both solemn and celebratory. And for the first time the believers could hold the text in their own heart language. Over the years they had turned, as 1 Thessalonians 1:9 says, to God from idols to serve a living and true God! Etched on the covers were a rough cross and the words chosen by the church Elders – “God’s Good Talk”.
Please continue to pray for the Waxe churches as they grow and seek the next generation of leaders to shepherd the believers. Pray also for safety and good health for Greg as he prepares to leave May 10 on a translation consultation trip to Paraguay. While there he will check Luke, Galatians, Philippians, and Esther for two indigenous language groups.