Doug and Nissy Cannon
The Cannons are our newest ministry partners. They work in Asia among a large language group, first contacted by World Venture over 70 years ago. Due to political upheaval the early missionaries were forced to leave the area. Doug was able to return to the area when relations warmed up, and there met and married Nissy. Tensions in this area of the world have heightened causing many house churches to go underground, but since Nissy is a citizen they should be able to return to the group once Covid restrictions are lifted. Doug asks prayer for the following:
We’re praying that our Christian friends and coworkers in the country will stand firm in their faith and have wisdom how to meet and build up one another.
Please pray that Old Testament translation will continue strong and unhindered.
Pray that our Asian friend here will come to know Christ and grow along with her husband in their new faith.
Finally, please pray that Covid will diminish in Asia and we can return to the field.
Thanks for your prayers for the Cannons and for the ones they love in the Lord…and remember Nissy, who is expecting their third child soon!