Chad and Janeene Mankins
Chad recently returned from a trip to PNG where he checked two New Testament books and had a chance to hear updates from Tobo land. Due to travel restrictions in Australia he was forced to travel east for 50 hours, or about twice the normal time, to the check location in Goroka. He picks up on his arrival…
The next morning, our dear friends and Tobo coworkers Ambox and Nailen, along with their three children Gremin, Jet and Jill flew in from the village. After our consultant Jason flew in with his family from yet another corner of the country and a new consultant in training, Levi, drove over from a nearby mission centre, we dove right into some major work for more than a week–the checking of the books of John and Acts in the Tobo language! The check went very well, and now the Tobo people have 72% of the New Testament in their language!!
Ambox and Nailen were excited to receive the latest batch of 100 Megavoice devices with the evangelistic lessons on them. They reported that more and more people who had been resistant to hearing anything from them and the other believers (not to mention us missionaries in the past!) are now saying, “We thought you were crazy and deceived. But now we’ve heard these lessons, and it really is God’s True Word!” As a result, a few people are now beginning to ask for the believers to share more with them.