Japan Evangelical Mission
Overseas travel is part of every missionary’s life. The ‘going to’ part takes them into a time and place very different from their home country. The ‘going back to’ part brings them home, and that can be full of surprises as well. We know how much our country has changed in the past three years, but for missionaries who only see it on the news from a distance, well, it can be a shock. David and Tomo will arrive back to the States on July 15 after three years and six months in Japan. Originally, they had planned to visit last year, however with the birth of Evangeline and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, they were unable to do so. But tickets are now booked, and even though it will only be a short trip, they are excited to see their family, friend,s and supporters.
1. Pray for everyone to be healthy enough to travel. We need to get COVID tests the day before we fly out, and if anyone tests positive, we won’t be able to board the plane.
2. Pray for safe and smooth travel. It’s a long trip just to get to the Tokyo airport from our home in rural Japan. We have a connecting flight in Canada on the way to Los Angeles, so pray we can make all scheduled flights.
3. This will also be Evangeline’s first time traveling internationally. We expect it to be a pretty hectic journey. Pray for all of us!
4. Pray for the church plant to do well while we are gone. We have some guest preachers lined up, and our English classes will be on break.
Where you can see us
We will be staying with my parents in San Juan Capistrano and hope to visit four of our supporting churches during our time in the US. Once we’ve finalized our schedule, we’ll let you all know which churches we’ll be at on which Sundays, and hopefully we’ll be able to see many of you in person!
We are also planning one weeknight presentation on Wednesday evening, August 10 at Calvary Chapel Mission Viejo. This presentation will be open to everyone, so if we are unable to visit your church on a Sunday, you’re invited come see us at that event!