Chad and Janeene Mankins
New Tribes Mission –Papua New Guinea
The Mankins helped evangelize the very remote Tobo people group in the Madang Province of PNG, and are now in the process of translating the New Testament into the Tobo language. Because of local opposition and the remoteness of the people group, they’ve been working on the project remotely from NTM headquarters in Goroka. Some medical issues have led them to recently return to the US and they are seeking treatment in their home area of Dallas. Praise God for the provision of affordable, furnished accommodations for the family on very short notice.
Please pray for:
- wisdom for the diagnosis and treatment as well as for the finances involved in returning their family to health.
- the opportunity for them to rest and recover from the stresses of ministry and the health issues they face.
- growth of the Tobo leaders who recently attended a regional leadership conference in the Highland of PNG.
- the Tobo people in the Cliffs and Stone villages who continue to follow the cargo cult organization which is prevalent in the area.
Chad and Janeene Mankins