Boniface & Sarah Toulassi
Bridge to Nations – Itinerant to Africa
The Toulassis are well known to PCC as members and as missionaries. In recent years, Boniface has carried on an itinerant ministry to his Benin, Ghana, and his native Togo. Sarah has supporting Boniface in his travels while ministering with ‘Faith Comes by Hearing’ in their home city of Albuquerque, NM. This recent update brings some exciting news about an upcoming change of ministry…
Boniface and I are in agreement that the time has come to step out in faith and move to Togo. With the recent death of the Director of Christ the Same Ministries, the board will invite Boniface to assume overall leadership of the denomination and the 40 churches within its fold. It is both humbling and a great honor. We know that God has prepared us for this time. We strongly covet your prayers during the process of support raising and making all the necessary arrangements. Boniface is ready to move tomorrow, and I quietly repeat, “As soon as we’ve raised our support, we can go.” The timing is in the Lord’s hands. Though it is an official position, we will be full-time missionaries sent by you! We are excited!
The Toulassis hope to depart for Africa in early 2023 to be part of the denomination’s leadership transition. We’ll be following their ministry transition in the months to come!