Chad and Janeene Mankins
The Mankins arrived in PNG in 2001 and settled into a remote, helicopter-only location in the Madang Province. They are presently based in Texas, but Chad makes regular trips to the village to translate the New Testament for the Tobo believers. He is about to step foot in PNG to continue the Tobo project, but before he left the USA he passed on these requests…
Rather than traversing my well-worn path across the Pacific, I will follow a route around the globe in a longer eastbound direction! After transiting through Doha and Singapore, I’ll finally land in PNG early Sunday morning local time! I’d really appreciate prayers for safety and an ability to make it through the airports each step of the way, and that all of my tests and paperwork would prove acceptable for my travels all the way to PNG!
Once I’m safely on our mission center, I’ll spend the next two weeks catching up with a Tobo Elder, Ambox, and his wife Nailen and their three children. While there, we will check the translation of John and the rest of Acts, getting those ready to be added to the New Testament. I’m also looking forward to passing along more new and updated Bible lessons for the church in the village to study more of the scriptures that they already currently have. I’m bringing over 100 small solar-powered MP3 players that contain all of the evangelistic Bible lessons from Genesis to Revelation with the embedded scriptures read along with each lesson!
Please pray, too, for Janeene and the boys, who will remain busy here in Texas as school and school-related activities have already resumed in earnest. It’s always sad for me to leave them behind and I very much love them and appreciate their incredible sacrifice of sending me off without them…and “holding down the fort” here for the sake of the Tobo ministry. God uses our family in this unique way.