Christian & Nui Lenty
Christian heads up the MST (Men and the Sex Trade Project) which seeks to mentor men into a pursuit of sexual purity and greater spiritual wholeness. It focuses on men who travel to the Red Light district of Bangkok, reaching out to them with the gospel of restoration and redemption through frank, face-to-face discussions and courses on how to change their present lifestyle. Christian and Nui also work together in and through local churches to heighten the awareness of sex trafficking in the country. Their ministry has expanded beyond Asia and into Africa, and the team there has exciting news to share. Christian writes:
Last month, we hosted our first seminar for men in Mbale, Uganda. We saw 24 men attend the one-day event and many of the men stated that they had never heard such teachings before, and asked our East Africa leader, Fred Onoke, to return in the near future to conduct further training for more men. We praise the Lord for the powerful ways He is working in the hearts of men!
Testimony from Mbale, Uganda From the seminar in Mbale, we received this encouraging testimony about one of the participants. You can see a man in a green shirt standing in the picture. This man gave a testimony that he was planning on leaving his wife because she constantly asked him to help with housework, and it made him feel like he was not man enough and could never meet her expectations. But after listening to the message, Real Masculinity, he committed to return to his wife and help her as her husband and partner. We praise the Lord for this amazing testimony! |
This month, we rejoice at the Lord’s continued leading and provision in Uganda as we celebrate the starting of two new connect groups for a total of 7 groups in the country! We are thankful for the pastors and leaders in Uganda who are helping men walk in sexual purity, spiritual wholeness, and Christlike maturity.