Dr. and Mrs. Jayakumar Ramachandran
Bible Believing Churches and Missions
Dr. Jay is involved in mentoring, training, and mobilizing church planting movement leaders at large throughout East Asia by setting strategies for new regions for BBCM church plants, training the church planters of “Indigenous reproductive church plants” in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, writing course curriculum for new courses in Academy of Church Planting Leadership, and writing missiological articles for international journals. Along with his commitments with BBCM, Dr. Jay also leads the Indian Institute of Inter-Cultural Studies, an accrediting agency under which 60+ training institutions function.
Please pray for…
• regional leaders for our project, “one indigenous, reproductive, and disciple making church for every 10,000 people”.
• direction and provision from the Lord for establishing income-generating projects to support future mission-developments in BBCM.
• wisdom and stamina for Dr. Jay in the midst of a very heavy workload and schedule.