Greg and Laura Melendes
Greg and Laura Melendes
Ethnos 360 – Itinerant/Oregon
Upon completion of the translation of the New Testament for the Waxe people group of Papua New Guinea, Greg and Laura entered itinerant ministry for Ethnos 360 (formerly New Tribes Mission). They still remain actively involved in the discipleship of the Waxe churches through literacy, curriculum development and personal visits. Greg also serves as an international translation consultant, traveling to the South Pacific, Asia, Latin America and Africa to provide guidance and quality control for translation projects prior to publication.
Praise the Lord for checks of the Book of Acts, the Gospel of Mark, and four epistles in Guinea West Africa and Paraguay in recent months. These books are now ready to print and distribute to their respective churches.
Please pray for…
- wisdom in planning and preparation for three more checks in 2019, in Indonesia, Colombia, and Papua New Guinea.
- the technical help and facilities to digitally record the Waxe New Testament for older non-readers and others in the churches and villages.
- the ongoing evangelistic outreach to the nearby village of Mugumute-that God would break through to those who have long resisted the gospel of grace.