Ethnos 360 – Itinerant

With the lifting of international travel restrictions in some countries, doors of ministry are once again opening to missionaries around the world. Over the next two weeks, Greg will be helping to facilitate a translation workshop in Chihuahua, Mexico for translators traveling from remote parts of Mexico, Brazil, and Paraguay. Two groups of Latin American translators will simultaneously draft the Epistle to the Colossians or the book of Malachi, depending on their experience levels. Please pray for safety as they travel, for good health for the group, and for comprehension of the material presented. The goal for each group is to return to their works with a complete first draft of their respective book, ready to take the next step of working through the text with local speakers. Technical as it may  sound, the bottom line, pray these translators learn what the need to know to produce clear, accurate, and natural translations for the local believers.

Greg & Laura Melendes

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