Mark and Carolyn Williams
Mark previously served as Vice President of Dynamic Church Planting Int’l but recently moved on to launch a new ministry, “Discipleship Journeys with Jesus”. His vision is to take one-half million people through actionable discipleship journeys in Scripture. There will be 52 lessons, one for each week of the year, and each lesson has a practical application to put into action. Lessons are onfline and free of charge, making quality discipleship materials available to anybody who needs them.
Praise God for the 26 lessons now available online, along with 112 supplemental videos, and five translations in majority languages thus far!
Please pray…
- DJJ is able to partner with ministries, institutions, and denominations that will use their discipleship materials.
- they will be able to create a mobile app that will allow for worldwide training and reporting.
- that many lives will be transformed by Christ through DJJ materials.
Mark and Carolyn Williams