Patriot and Keli Hoxhaj
Medical Ambassadors – Albania
The Hoxhajs and their team reach out to individuals, families, and communities in Albania and the Balkans through Community Health Evangelism (CHE). The aim of CHE is to establish a development ministry that combines Jesus’ Great Commission and the Great Commandment. This is accomplished by training community members as Community Health Evangelists who regularly visit 10 – 15 neighboring households, sharing the gospel and promoting principles of disease prevention and healthy living. The Hoxhajs have played a key role in planting in a church in Vlochist, which PCC has partnered with in many ways since 2002.
Praise God for:
- the annual family camp was successful as many unsaved family members attended with church members. Two men recently attended services as a result.
- continued progress on the new church building in Vlochist, including a soccer field which will serve as a magnet for community youth.
Please pray for:
- the support level for Patriot and Keli has been dropping over time. Please pray God would bolster their financial support which now stands at around 50% of the recommended level.
Patriot and Keli Hoxhaj