Tim and Krista Hahne
Bethany Fellowship – Valcea, Romania
Over the past two decades, the Hahnes have faithfully served as church planters in a difficult area of Romania. They have seen a small church come into existence and they have served a very poor community in a number of physical ways. However, after years of discipleship, local leaders still have not come forward. After much prayer, the Hahnes have decided to disband the church and focus on an evangelistic ministry in the area.
Please pray:
That each of the church family would be able to trust God with its future and find the right church home in which to grow and serve.
For the Roma people, already insecure and fearful because of their low place in society would continue on with the Lord.
That over the final four weeks, the church members would grow in their faith and confidence in God for their spiritual future.
That God would show the Hahnes where they can most use the gifts of evangelism and helps He has entrusted to them.