Sensitive Ministry Area
Because of the sensitive nature of their ministry, this couple’s names and location remain undisclosed. They do visit PCC on occasion so you will get to meet them soon and get to know them personally. For now, they pass on these requests:
- Praise God for leading some new recruits to join our overseas work. Please ask for open doors so they can actually go overseas soon! Also ask God to bless them as the start learning the national language, which is very challenging.
- We continue to serve in administrative leadership roles. We’re thankful for video calling, which has served us well during the pandemic. Please join us in praying for wisdom about when we can start to meet our teams in person again. Because we are dispersed globally, it’s very hard to predict who can travel where, and when. Meanwhile, ask God to give us wisdom and compassion for our coworkers as we lead from a distance.
- Pray for softening of the hearts of leaders in governments that are hostile to Kingdom of God.
Wycliffe Bible Translator Missionaries