Christian and Nui Lenty


Christian heads up the MST (Men and the Sex Trade Project) which seeks to mentor men into a pursuit of sexual purity and greater spiritual wholeness. It focuses on men who travel to the Red Light district of Bangkok, reaching out to them with the gospel of restoration and redemption through frank, face-to-face discussions and courses on how to change their present lifestyle. Christian and Nui also work together in and through local churches to heighten the awareness of sex trafficking in the country.

Please pray…

  • for adjustment to a new ministry and country for a much-needed new staff member arriving in May for a two-year term.
  • for two major projects, the translation of devotionals and other materials into Thai, and the transfer of all audio material into podcasts.
  • that the men going through our book, A Pathway to Purity, would continue to pursue greater purity and wholeness.
  • for us as staff, that we will always model Christ in all that we do as we mentor men in need.
Christian and Nui Lenty

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