Mick & Clarice Haupt, CRU- Florida

Mick brings visual excellence to the entire ministry of CRU as a graphic designer, photographer, creative consultant and project manager. He also invests time mentoring younger leaders at CRU and through his local church. Clarice serves as field staff with CRUHigh School ministries, investing in young women at Edgewater High School in Orlando, FL. Her passion is helping inner city girls grow in Christ and maintaining their sexual purity.

Another year of craziness in our world and another word of encouragement to keep our focus on the wonder and majesty of God. So many events happening around us leave me thinking how can the world get any darker or more divided. But I know things will continue a downhill slide. I take heart knowing the Father is still in control and that light shines more brightly when it seems like darkness surrounds us. As the people of Israel waited for years for the arrival of a Savior, they held to hope through a long period. When Christ arrived and angels announced it to shepherds, they went to see what had been spoken. They left amazed, “glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.” 

Jesus’ life displayed the love of God for all people. When a paralyzed man was healed on the Sabbath, Jesus threw the religious system on it’s head. He told the paralyzed man his sin’s were forgiven. Only God could forgive, and the religious leaders wanted to stone Jesus. Men and women were seized with amazement because they had seen extraordinary things that day. God is still doing extraordinary things. Let us keep our eyes open and live with a sense of wonder and awe. Let our light shine in today’s darkness, because it shines brighter than ever. The world needs to see believable examples of people following Jesus from the heart. We are grateful to be living in such amazing times and anticipate Christ’s arrival as we celebrate Christmas.

This coronavirus era has lasted far longer than any of us anticipated and many of us have grown weary. But God is still doing great things and we are excited to be serving the Lord in this unique time of history. We are grateful to be pointing people to Jesus in partnership with you. Thank you for praying for us to continue making a difference in this world. We love you and pray for you often. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  • Please pray for our boys this Christmas…that they will have a proper focus on the meaning of Christmas. Pray for good one-on-one times with each boy over the school break.
  • Please continue to pray God does great and mighty things in our world because of the lingering coronavirus concerns. Pray God shows up mightily and that we will all be a light in the darkness.
  • Pray for Mick as he continues to move Cru Stock (Cru’s internal photo resource) forward by building into 490 photographers and hobbyists within the organization.
Mick & Clarice Haupt

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