Christian and Nui Lenty


Christian and Nui have tackled a tough ministry in the middle of Thailand’s sex trade district where they confront men who travel to the red-light district of Bangkok with the need for purity and the gospel. The various aspects of the ministry have spread to other Asian countries, where workers teach men the need to respect women and foster healthy marriages. We recently received this from Christian:

“As you may remember from previous updates, my current visa was expiring. While I needed to apply for a new visa, I also needed to apply under a new category. After researching and looking through my options, it became clear that applying for a Thai spousal visa would be my best option. Last month I received my new 1-year visa and I am very grateful. Of course, my wife and I thank God for providing this new visa and I thank my wife for all of her hard work in gathering the necessary paperwork to make the process as smooth as possible. Thank you for your prayers!

Since the REAL MEN PURSUING PURITY connect group training course completed last month, we have seen many participants share with men in their local churches, organizations, and communities about all that they learned. We have seen a Pastor in India teach his men how to pursue purity and a man in Kenya sharing with men in his church about Biblical manhood. There are also ongoing ministries in Kenya and India. Another man in Sri Lanka has begun to pray about starting a connect group in his local setting.”

Christian and Nui Lenty

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