Christian and Nui Lenty


Christian heads up the MST (Men and the Sex Trade Project) which seeks to mentor men into a pursuit of sexual purity and greater spiritual wholeness. It focuses on men who travel to the Red Light district of Bangkok, reaching out to them with the gospel of restoration and redemption through frank, face-to-face discussions and courses on how to change their present lifestyle. Christian and Nui also work together in and through local churches to heighten the awareness of sex trafficking in the country.

Throughout September, we received reports of God working in the lives of men throughout East Africa through weekly Real Men Pursuing Purity connect groups. Several men are experiencing freedom from drug and alcohol addictions through the weekly connect groups meetings and devotional booklets available in their language. And yet, even with all of these praises, God continues to open doors for more. Would you please pray for our opportunities to do in-person Vision Training Course seminars in Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Kenya? God is at work – and it is a pleasure and a privilege to be a part of it.

At the end of September, we conducted the 3rd Vision Training Course for pastors and other ministry leaders from Nepal. Overall, the seminar was a success, and many of the participants shared how deeply impacted they were by the teachings. We now have several new opportunities to conduct future seminars in different regions of Nepal. We praise God for this movement of purity and wholeness in the hearts of many men throughout Nepal!

Thank you for taking the time to read our October update, and for praying for our expanding ministry. We pray that you were encouraged and inspired by reading and watching how God is transforming men’s lives worldwide!

Christian and Nui Lenty

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