Jeff and Courtney Hogue
World Team – Cambodia

Covid-19 has had a huge impact on Cambodia, not in terms of infections, but economically. The garment, tourism, and construction industries have been brought to a sudden stop and the economy is expected to radically contract. This may force many emerging middle-class Cambodians back into extreme poverty.

Jeff and Courtney Hogue’s ministry with World Team in Cambodia centers on nurturing the Khmer Church by training disciple-makers and missionaries. Sadly, churches and schools are closed until further notice. As in our own country, this has caused Cambodian churches to pivot to an online format, using free streaming services when possible. Recorded sermons and music are shared widely on social media. House churches have become a priority as larger churches break into smaller, more-permissible gatherings. Visits to distant provincial churches have also stopped out of fear of carrying the illness to populations living without available healthcare. Those trips will begin again now that the healthcare leaders believe Cambodia is clear of Covid-19.

Jeff notes, “It has been a tough few months. Our emotional stamina has been tested to the limits, but we are encouraged. We have seen a significant drop in financial support, followed by huge donations from previously unknown donors. We are amazed how God meets our needs and keeps us on mission.” Please pray for the Hogues and our other foreign partners as the strain of working in a different culture has been amplified by Covid-19 ministry limitations. Pray doors of ministry would re-open soon.

Jeff and Courtney Hogue

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